Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New to Blogging

So my dear sweet friend who is addicted to blogging told me tonight that I needed a blog. Apparently my life is amusing enough and occasionally inspiring enough to warrant being read. I have to confess that my vanity has always prevented me from starting a blog. What if no one reads it? What if people read it and think it/I is/am stupid? What if I just don't care?! So I decided to take her advice and start a blog. So here you will read my thoughts and the things that happen in my home.
Oh, wait, who am I? I am a wife, mother, homemaker, teacher, servant of God and all around goof ball. I sing in the choir at church, teach VBS every year and direct the drama productions at our church. I am wife to an amazing and wildly funny husband (we just celebrated our Fifteenth Anniversary...go us!) and the mother to three EXTREME DRAMA QUEENS!!! I am mother to a infant/toddler, a pre-schooler and a second grader. They are all girls, all beautiful and all very funny. Most of my stuff will be about them and their antics. The homemaker part I pretty much stink at unless I am decorating for a holiday or party. My house is cluttered and only fairly clean. You can eat off my kitchen floors...believe me, I know this for a fact because my one-year-old does it often. There is always food on the floor. Even right after I sweep...what's up with that? Although after the june-bug eating incident, D is much more cautious about what she eats off the floor. I think she has enforced a strict self rule of "no eating anything with legs" but other than that, pretty much everything else is fair game.
So, this is me and this is my blog. Don't know how often I will post, but probably a lot because apparently I like it when total strangers know all my personal business.
So until next time....

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