Saturday, September 11, 2010

Did we move to Florida when I wasn't looking?

So, Bill went to take the girls out to the pool this afternoon while I stayed inside with the baby. I needed something out of the car and was heading outside when all of a sudden it started to POUR DOWN RAINING!!! Not a gentle late summer rain, but a full on gully-washing, tree-blowing down pour. I ran to the back garage door to find Kylie sobbing while trying to get her shoes on with the rain drenching her. I ran outside, snatched her up, carried her inside, ran back out for the towels and her other shoe, back inside again and out one more time to get Bailey inside. I was soaked! I mean, water dripping down in my eyes, hair plastered to my head, clothes dripping soaked! Here's the kicker, by the time we got in the house and I was putting on dry guessed it...the rain stopped and the sun came out. It was JUST LIKE being in Florida!
I think God has a warped sense of humor too!

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