Thursday, September 19, 2013

30 Day Challenge...Wanna join us?

So Monday, September 23, I am starting a Fitness/Healthy Eating Challenge. Anyone who would like to join me is more than welcome! I will be posting all info on here along with recipe ideas and food suggestions as well as my success and obstacles. I am NOT going on a diet. I do not diet and I do not believe in diets. I do, however, believe in little changes. I have made several little changes over the last year and those changes have resulted in almost 30 pounds lost and GONE forever. I decided I needed a little jump start and thought I would do it again.

For me, I have found that the trick is to reboot my metabolism and appetite. To do that, for the next thirty days, I will be on a specific nutritional plan. I am going to eliminate as many processed sugars and carbs as I can and eat a lot of healthy foods, emphasis on A LOT!! I plan to eat A LOT of food in these thirty days. I am also planning to spoil myself once a week with something decadent (this was a suggestion from a fitness friend of mine).

This Thirty Day Challenge is NOT a gimmick, a diet, or a product scam. I am not pushing any products, although I will share with you what I am doing and what I am using. I am a big fan of Visalus for their protein/energy/nutritional shakes and I do have one of those a day for healthy reasons. I don't like to eat a meal in the morning for breakfast, so I used to just drink a Boost, but then I would be hungry too soon, so I started the Visalus because I wanted all of the healthy benefits. By the time I am done adding fruit and other goodies, I have a meal that keeps me satisfied till lunch and helps regulate my low blood sugar, which is a problem for me. I strongly recommend protein shakes. My sister-in-law uses a product from GNC, another friend uses something from Sam's. Use what you like, or eat a healthy high protein breakfast of whole foods.

A lot of the foods I talk about will be gluten free, but not vegetarian and definitely not vegan. I love milk WAY too much for that!

And, if you join us, I know there will be results. Maybe not a thirty pound weight loss, but you will feel better, have more energy, probably lower blood pressure and blood sugar, and maybe even help out your cholesterol.

I am NOT a medical professional or a dietitian, nor do I play one on TV, so all statements made in this and any other 30DC posts are purely my opinion and experience and are NOT to be substituted for medical advice or instructions. Joining us in this challenge does not guarantee weight loss or any other medical benefits. What it does guarantee is moral support, a little humor, and some understanding from other couch potatoes with bad eating habits who are trying to change them.

Join us and see what we can learn together! The 30DC starts Monday, September 23! Let's see what we can accomplish together!

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