Monday, August 13, 2012

What? I have a blog?

Someone recently asked me if I had a blog. I hung my head and said, "Kinda." Meaning, yeah I have a blog. I actually have three blogs, but did I write? Ever? Hmm....uh, no. Then I started reading other people's blogs and I thought, I have info I could share. I have things to tell people. I wonder if anyone cares that I make my own laundry soap that gets almost anything out of anything? Or that I know how to get green gooey baby poop out of almost anything? Or that I have an awesome recipe for chicken? Or that sometimes, I have really interesting thoughts that just roll around in my head?

The answer was, probably not, but what the heck. But I started writing again anyway. So now you know what my blog is about. Read it, don't read it. It's your choice. I was extremely flattered to have someone at church recently say to me that they were enjoying my blog. I didn't even know they knew I had one.

So, I have been writing in two of my blogs as often as I can lately. I don't know what I will write and it's hard to tell but I do have a disclaimer...

Be warned. We like guns. We love our Bibles and we cling to our Savior as if there is no tomorrow, for without Him there would not be. We don't believe in conformity and we don't believe that this world is our home. The culture may change, but the Word of God does not. I will not argue over the existence of God here. You don't have to believe in God or hell. But I do. Who loses more if they are wrong? If you do not like these things, if you are trolling for someone to bash, please troll elsewhere. As I have said before, my chalk, my marbles, my rules. I respect your opinion and I respect your right to voice it, but I don't have to engage in ridiculous arguments over what fast food restaurants we frequent or which non-Christian political candidate we prefer.

That being said, this blog may have something the Lord laid on my heart to share, a new recipe I just tried and loved (or hated), my latest Pinterest addiction or a new pattern from my shop, Feel free to read. Please feel free to comment. I am not opposed to advice or rational discussion. And of course I firmly believe that "Encouragement is to the soul as spinach is to Popeye." So come, enjoy, and discuss, but BE NICE. After all, we all have to live here together...for now. :)

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