Sunday, August 12, 2012

Poppies...Poppies will make them sleep...


So tomorrow all of our friends start school ('cept us cause we started last week, see my other blog, and I completely forgot. Hey, give me a break. We had an eventful day.

First there was this amazing service at our home church (look it up and check out the archived services for yesterday for a look at our amazing choir in action, which we thoroughly enjoyed. Then, right before we picked up Nayney, she managed to run headfirst into a wall. We received her complete with GIGANTIC purple, road rashed goose egg which naturally put Hubby into a full on panic and we all had to talk him down off the ER perch. Kids fall. They knock their heads on stuff. I talked to two or our resident EMT's. Both said she would be fine. She is. This evening she told me not to touch her that she was fine and that if I didn't leave her alone, it was going to fall off. I'm not sure if she meant the bump or her head, but I wisely decided to let her be.

Anyway, on Sundays we get tired. We like to take naps in the afternoon. Nayney endured her nap with me in the bed with her waking her up every now and then till she finally told me to leave her alone and let her sleep. (She's kinda mouthy for a two year old)

But I let her sleep. And sleep. And finally our "fourth" daughter came in and said, "You know it's 6:30, right?" Great. We had been in there since around 3:30 and we never sleep that late. Needless to say, Nayney is in her room at 11:29 p.m. watching cartoons while her sisters attempt sleep.

For some reason, they can't sleep either. Hubby mentioned NyQuil (as a joke, don't be getting out your speed dial to CPS) but I was more in line with the duct tape a friend suggested this morning. (again, kidding. CPS records crank calls, ya know) According to Facebook, all of their friends are snug in their beds asleep and MY children are still climbing the walls. Surely there's SOMEthing I can do about that... Where DID I put those poppies???

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