Monday, December 6, 2010

Twas the Light Before Christmas

So I had the best "worst" day ever in the grocery store. Bailey & Kylie were SO good but Delaney was a MENACE! She wouldn't stop crying and we couldn't make her happy. I tried to put her to sleep, I tried to feed her, I turned her upside down and tried to shake the "bad" out of her (just kidding on that last part)

I finally just gave up, put my list in my pocket and headed to the register with only half my groceries. While checking out, Bailey started to sing to Delaney to keep her happy. I have heard her sing Twas the Light Before Christmas from our Choir Christmas Pageant so many times that I tend to tune it out
Then I heard people begin to comment, "Who IS that?" "Is that a radio?" "That is beautiful!" "Where does she sing?" I stopped for a moment and hyped the Children's Christmas Program this coming Sunday and then I finished paying and started to leave. A lady caught us at the end of the registers and asked Bailey if she would sing again. So she stood up in the buggy and began to sing, just the way Mrs. Katheron Reynolds Latham has taught her, clearly and plainly and without fidgeting or being silly. She drew a crowd of about 6-8 shoppers who stood quietly with smiles until she stopped. When she finished a lady came to me in tears and said, "Of all the things I will remember about this Christmas, this will be the one I remember most. That was one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard and she is such a beautiful little girl."
Now, I will admit that as a parent, I have my share of pride in my own child, but this was one of those times that I was so touched I was almost in tears myself. It really made a bad experience beautiful and I was so touched by knowing that even at only seven years old, she was a blessing to someone who needed it this Christmas season.

Twas the Light before Christmas
When all through the land
Wisemen did follow
Cross oceans of sand
To worship the Christ Child
In Bethlehem
Twas the Light before Christmas
That shown through the land

So thankful for His Light and a little girl that belongs to Him and lets it shine through her.

Merry Christmas!!!

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