Monday, October 7, 2013

Don't be Sorry. Be BETTER!

So I haven't posted the last two weeks because I have been a little busy. Let me just tell you, the first week of my challenge, I was ready to give UP!! That's right, I was done. That first week I was planning a party for all three of my girls (we ended up with about forty five people here), dealing with the impending death of our beloved Grammie (who at 90 years old was an amazing testimony of a life well lived for God), having a visit from my parents...I think you get the idea. I didn't have time to count calories, much less keep an accurate food diary. So, I got to the end of the week, wrote down what I could remember, and generally tried to be "good" during the week while I was running around like a crazy person.
Guess what? I still lost two pounds. To me, that's pretty awesome because that's what this challenge is really about - learning to eat healthy and stay active and make good choices. So instead of being able to write everything down and go from there, I decided to just try to be better. My husband says all the time, "Don't be sorry, be better." So that's what I did. I quit being sorry for my previous bad choices, and decided to make better ones.
This last week, I made a few choices that I was pretty proud of. Last week was Boo's tenth birthday. We went out for lunch at Chick Fil A. I realized later that I should have gotten something grilled, and next time I will, but I did get a small meal and only ate part of it, until I was satisfied, not full. Also, we take our girls out for their birthdays and their choice of restaurant is CiCi's Pizza, an all you can eat pizza buffet. I love a variety of different pizzas, so what I did was choose carefully and then ate very small pieces of those varieties. I also chose a pizza with extremely thin crust and avoided the dessert bar. Eating out and eating healthy aren't always exclusive of each other. Of course, I realized later that a salad first instead of soup would have probably been better, but I'll remember that next time. Cause, I can do this...over and over.
Here's a little tidbit for you the next time you think because you made a mistake or binged out on Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies or drank a "real" coke that you should give up or guilt up or whatever..."Yesterday Ended Last Night!"
What you did yesterday, while it may have consequences, was yesterday. What are you going to do today? What are you going to change moving FORWARD? Because moving backward isn't going to get you anywhere new and if you want new results, you have to stop doing the old stuff. So say that to yourself. "Yesterday ended last night." What's new for today? Don't be sorry. Be better. Be better for yourself, for your spouse, for your kids, for your job, for your hobbies, for that 5K you want to run some day. Be Better!

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