Monday, September 23, 2013

Day One - Letting Go and Leaping Forward

My friends posted these tidbits on Facebook. I stole them...

 Are you ready to make the leap?? Are you ready to rock this challenge?? Don't forget, you don't have to buy any product; this isn't a scheme or a get skinny quick deal. You are going to feel better, and you WILL lose weight, but not 60 pounds in thirty days or some other ridiculousness. What you DO have to do is stop what you were doing and move forward.
 I was encouraging someone new to join me in this challenge yesterday and their response was, "I really can't afford another weight loss gimmick right now." I said, "Do you buy groceries?" She stammered and said, "Well, yes." I put my arm around her and said, "Just buy better ones." That's it. We aren't selling anything! We aren't encouraging you to stop enjoying the things you enjoy. I plan to have a day where I can indulge a little bit every week. I know I will fail a day here and there. I know I have spent the last few weeks since I decided to do this eating everything I knew I wasn't going to eat for the next thirty days. Guess what? I gained almost 8 pounds. Now I've got to stop eating junk and lose them again. So I'm letting go of the bad choices I made last month and pushing forward to new choices, better choices. "No more eating after 8 p.m." is going to be one of the hardest ones for me. I think to combat that, I will have a healthy snack right at 8 and then tough it out. Period. That's what this challenge takes...willpower, determination, and an understanding that I cannot do it alone.
So here I am ready to rock this challenge. I start my day with a cup of tea. I put three small teaspoons of sugar in my tea every morning. To cope with that, I switched tea (I drink a flavored tea) and used Splenda instead. Instead of ruining my tea (which I WILL start drinking again after this challenge is over or even after the first week or two once my body resets itself) I have a completely different tea that can taste anyway it tastes because it isn't something I drank every day. So I am greeting this morning with raspberry pomegranate green tea...not bad. If only I could count it as a water...

30 Day Challenge -- How do I create a Food Diary?

Here's the deal. Yesterday, I gave you a whole host of things to eat while on the thirty day challenge. Today I am going to explain how to keep track of it.

Did you know research shows that people who keep careful track of their food actually eat healthier? I guess it's all that guilt we feel when we actually write down that we ate four pounds of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and seeing it on paper is, well, kinda gross.

My food diary looks like this:
 And yes, it is paper. It is a spiral notebook that I keep on the kitchen counter with a pencil tucked into the spiral. I know, I know, I'm a terrible tree hugger and if you want to figure out a way to do a food diary digitally, more power to you, but I am rather fond of my spiral notebooks. In fact, I have an entire filing cabinet full of them. I'm a list maker and I like to write things on actual paper and check them off. As a matter of fact, if I do something that is not on my list, I will write it down just so I can check it off. It is immensely satisfying, this checking off thing. You should try it.

This is a copy of a page from last year's food diary. Notice the bottom where I have the little squares? Each square stood for 12 ounces of water (the above shows squares for twenty ounces). Every time I finished a glass of water, I would mark it on my diary. That way I was keeping track of the amount of water I was drinking (80-100 ounces is key here) and I got that whole "checking off" satisfaction thing too.

Last year my plan was 900 calories/90 carbs. However since my shakes are heavier on calories and carbs, I have increased this year's challenge to 1,000 calories/100 carbohydrates. I am also a lot more informed on complex carbohydrates vs. "regular" carbohydrates and intend to add some rice and whole wheat pasta into my diet this time. By the way, I broke down my tuna salad so that I could evaluate everything that was in it. I use Miracle Whip Light which has only 20 cal/2 carbs for the amount I used and for those who are wondering, English Sauce is what they call Worcester Sauce in Brasil and is a habit that we have gotten into due to our Brasilian family.

So, some of you are wondering where I get some of this info and how do you work the Challenge into your daily lives when you are not at home. I found a great resource that I love. It is called the Calorie King and I downloaded the book to my Kindle and use it anywhere. I keep a tiny notebook in my purse and just record stuff there when I am out and about. I work at home and homeschool my kids, so we are home a lot and I can get to my kitchen diary most of the time. When I cannot, the little notebook in my purse serves to help me keep track of things when I'm out and about.

You can learn more at

Got tips or ideas for your own food diary? Let's hear them!

Friday, September 20, 2013

So what exactly is this challenge and what should I eat?

The biggest part of this challenge is going to be your food diary. For thirty days, you will write down EVERYTHING you put into your mouth. If you eat a piece of hard candy, write it down. If you drink a cup of coffee with cream and/or sugar, write it down. At this time of year, I drink a cup of tea every morning. While there are no calories or carbs in my tea, there is in the sugar I put into it. As a hat tip to my healthy eating challenge, I will be purchasing sugar in the raw so that I am still not using refined white sugar. I also notice that I use less sugar this way. I also may change the type of tea I drink so that I am not expecting one flavor and level of sweetness and getting another.

So, these are some of the foods I recommend. Feel free to add things you like, but if you aren't sure, ask me in the comments and I will try to let you know if they are going to be a good idea. (don't forget I'm not a dietitian, we are just using my research)

Breakfast ideas:
I drink a ViShake every day. Period. If I miss my shake for a different type of breakfast, I have to have it for lunch or I will feel bad because my body craves the vitamins and nutrition in it. You are your own person. You can do your own protein shake, smoothie, etc.
egg white scrambled                          boiled egg
4 slices lean bacon                             1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1/2 cup blueberries                             fruit quesadilla on whole wheat tortilla

Here's a yummy fall breakfast recipe I found that is good for protein:
Stir pumpkin, brown sugar, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg into still-warm prepared quinoa. Serve Pumpkin Breakfast Quinoa with vanilla yogurt, chopped pecans and dried cranberries.

Another yummy option is breakfast cookies. This is something Bestie and I enjoy for a treat sometimes. You take two ripe bananas, 1 cup of quick oats and a handful of chocolate chips. Mash the bananas in a bowl, fold in the quick oats and add the chocolate chips. Drop 'em on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 until golden. Enjoy! Note: there is no protein in these cookies so you can add peanut butter if you like, but Bestie and I just split a shake and pig out on cookies.  I love eating healthy and still eating cookies!!

I also enjoy muffins on occasion. I use a super healthy recipe for this too! One box of devil's food or fudge cake mix and one 16 oz. can pumpkin. Again, I like to add a small handful of chocolate chips for fun. Bake according to the "cupcake" directions on the cake box. YUMMY!! They are 80 calories and around 9 carbs each.

Snack Time!! Guess what?!! If you don't snack healthy in between meals, you will snack ugly. That's what I call it when you get so hungry between meals that you eat everything in sight and feel super guilty later. I also have a really bad habit of eating when I'm bored. Having a snack schedule helps me know when it's time to snack and when it's not, I don't. Here are some snack ideas...

2 Tbsp almonds                             Banana Oatmeal cookies (see above)
Cheese Stick                                  Chocolate/Pumpkin muffins (yummy! see above)
small salad w/lt dressing               Baked oatmeal cups
pickles                                           carrots
olives                                             cucumbers (sprinkle a little chili powder - yum)
1 Tbsp peanut butter                      apple

What are baked oatmeal cups? Check them out here:

Let's do Lunch!! I am pretty basic when it comes to lunch. I don't really care about variety as much as I care about eating what I like. I like tuna salad. I could eat it every day (and I probably will). I ate it every single day in high school and lost thirty pounds my senior year. I BELIEVE in the tuna. You do what you want, just keep your protein high and your carbs low.
salad w/light dressing                                         egg muffins
tuna salad w/6 whole wheat crackers                 scrambled egg on 7 grain toast
chicken salad w/6 whole wheat crackers            edamame
egg salad on whole wheat tortilla                        Greek yogurt
Here are a few links for healthy recipes...
What's for dinner? Dinner is always a big deal to me. Usually I am starving by dinner time and I end up eating way too much. With the snacks between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner, it isn't so bad, but I still end up eating a ton of food...because I CAN!!  Here's the deal with dinner. Your goal is to eat 1 serving of lean protein and 2 servings of good for you carbs. 1 serving of lean protein is usually around 4 ounces, or if you don't have a food scale (because THOSE are just lying around everyone's kitchen...not) it is about the size of the palm of your hand and not quite as thick as your hand.
Lean Proteins: 1/2 cup shredded chicken
                        1/2 cup diced turkey sausage
                        4 oz chicken or turkey
                        4 oz lean beef
                        4 oz fish
Healthy Sides: (don't forget to choose TWO!)
                        1 cup broccoli
                        1 cup green beans                   (Can you tell I like green veggies?)
                        3/4 cup spinach
                        3/4 to 1 cup any steamed veggies
                        large salad (limit salad dressing to 1 tbsp and use lite dressing)
Here is a great crock pot dinner from my own blog...
I would substitute quinoa for the rice for a better complex carbohydrate and the same filling texture, plus quinoa is a great source of protein!
Tomorrow I will explain your food diary and how you should do that.
Don't forget your water!! 96 ounces of water per day is a key to this challenge! It keeps you hydrated and keeps you from getting hungry. Did you know that sometimes when you are "hungry" you are really only thirsty and your body doesn't always know the difference. Drink a glass of water and wait a few minutes and see if your "hungry" goes away.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

30 Day Challenge...Wanna join us?

So Monday, September 23, I am starting a Fitness/Healthy Eating Challenge. Anyone who would like to join me is more than welcome! I will be posting all info on here along with recipe ideas and food suggestions as well as my success and obstacles. I am NOT going on a diet. I do not diet and I do not believe in diets. I do, however, believe in little changes. I have made several little changes over the last year and those changes have resulted in almost 30 pounds lost and GONE forever. I decided I needed a little jump start and thought I would do it again.

For me, I have found that the trick is to reboot my metabolism and appetite. To do that, for the next thirty days, I will be on a specific nutritional plan. I am going to eliminate as many processed sugars and carbs as I can and eat a lot of healthy foods, emphasis on A LOT!! I plan to eat A LOT of food in these thirty days. I am also planning to spoil myself once a week with something decadent (this was a suggestion from a fitness friend of mine).

This Thirty Day Challenge is NOT a gimmick, a diet, or a product scam. I am not pushing any products, although I will share with you what I am doing and what I am using. I am a big fan of Visalus for their protein/energy/nutritional shakes and I do have one of those a day for healthy reasons. I don't like to eat a meal in the morning for breakfast, so I used to just drink a Boost, but then I would be hungry too soon, so I started the Visalus because I wanted all of the healthy benefits. By the time I am done adding fruit and other goodies, I have a meal that keeps me satisfied till lunch and helps regulate my low blood sugar, which is a problem for me. I strongly recommend protein shakes. My sister-in-law uses a product from GNC, another friend uses something from Sam's. Use what you like, or eat a healthy high protein breakfast of whole foods.

A lot of the foods I talk about will be gluten free, but not vegetarian and definitely not vegan. I love milk WAY too much for that!

And, if you join us, I know there will be results. Maybe not a thirty pound weight loss, but you will feel better, have more energy, probably lower blood pressure and blood sugar, and maybe even help out your cholesterol.

I am NOT a medical professional or a dietitian, nor do I play one on TV, so all statements made in this and any other 30DC posts are purely my opinion and experience and are NOT to be substituted for medical advice or instructions. Joining us in this challenge does not guarantee weight loss or any other medical benefits. What it does guarantee is moral support, a little humor, and some understanding from other couch potatoes with bad eating habits who are trying to change them.

Join us and see what we can learn together! The 30DC starts Monday, September 23! Let's see what we can accomplish together!