Thursday, September 13, 2012

What's for Dinner? Gluten Free Thursday

It's Thursday so it must be Gluten Free Thursday! Here's another gluten free meal for fun. We are having a favorite in our house tonight. Hibachi Steak with veggies and rice.

I am using a cool gluten free product from Sam's that is my beef strips already precooked (I know, I know, NOT homemade, but still home COOKED).

This is a great "last minute" convenience food that is gluten free and easy to throw together. We have a lot of "broccoli" monsters in our house, so any dish that is heavy on the broccoli is a big hit here.

If I could get the girls to show any interest in zuchinni, we would totally add that to our menu. For now, I am just grateful that broccoli is such a big hit.

Saute your fajita beef for a few minutes with your broccoli or steam separately. I like to add some onion to ours. We also add a little salt, pepper and gluten free Soy Sauce. BE SURE YOUR SOY SAUCE SAYS IT IS GLUTEN FREE. Not all Soy Sauce is the same!!!

Gotta love the Kikkoman because it is available in many stores and you get the same flavor as you would with "regular" soy sauce.

While the broccoli is steaming and the beef strips are simmering, rice is also cooking and Mama is whipping up some "White Sauce." If you have ever been to a Japanese Hibachi style restaurant, you know the beauty of white sauce. A friend of ours claims to be able to eat it by the spoon. He says it would make cardboard taste good. But since I don't know if cardboard is gluten free, I wouldn't try it.

Here is the White Sauce recipe...
Find more about the beauty of Japanese White Sauce on the website where I found the above fool proof recipe

And yes, before you ask, Helmann's Mayo IS gluten free. And since I only use McCormick's seasonings, I know they are all safe as well. ALL of McCormick's single ingredient seasons are gluten free.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

What's for dinner? Gluten Free Thursday!!!

I have always wanted to try White Chicken Chili and Chicken Taco Soup and stuff like that but I don't eat beans (and I'm allergic to peppers). So I got to thinking, what could I throw in my slow cooker that would taste good together and give me the fun of the other meals without the beans. I am also allergic to peppers so anything with Ro-Tel is out for me. I also have a dear friend who has Celiac Disease so I like to find new ways to cook gluten free whenever I can. So here is what I came up with. My husband asked me what I was making and I said, "I have no idea, but I hope it tastes good." It needs a name. Any suggestions? I'm leaning toward "Pollo con Pico" since that is basically what it is.

Start with three large frozen chicken breasts (You can use fresh, but you probably don't want to start at night if you do. If I ever buy fresh, they go bad before I get a chance to use them, so I buy the Great Value brand from WalMart that are already frozen)

Before you go to bed at night, put these three in your slow cooker and add enough water to cover them. I like to add a boullion cube, but when making this gluten free, be sure to use Knorr's or Herb Ox. They are both gluten free products. I also added a bit of salt, pepper, onion powder (We LOVE the California Style from McCormick's. If you've never tried it, I highly recommend it) and dehydrated garlic (I also like to use the Garlic, Garlic from Tastefully Simple, but any dried garlic will do) and some dried cilantro. Set your slow cooker on low.

*You may already know this, but when you choose the "hi" or "low" settings on your slow cooker, you aren't setting the temperature, merely the time it takes for the cooker to reach its temperature. They both reach the same temp, but when you use the "hi" setting, it takes approximately 2-3 hours whereas the "low" setting usually takes about 4-6 hours.*

The next morning I got up and drained the water off the chicken. In its place, I covered the chicken breasts with chicken broth. I use Swanson as Campbell's has them on their list of gluten free foods (, but when cooking for my friend, we look for a product that is CERTIFIED gluten free as there is yeast in Swanson's and a small amount of glutamate is created when yeast is heated (which is something to stay away from if you are trying to eliminate MSG from your diet also). I added more of all of my seasonings and kicked things up with about half a teaspoon of chili powder (McCormick's is gluten free) and a small handful of freshly chopped cilantro (okay, no I didn't. I'm not a "fresh herb" person. remember the chicken needing to be frozen? same deal. fresh herbs just rot in my house.). If you are also not a "fresh herb" type of person, try Gourmet Garden's cilantro and garlic paste. They are gluten free also and come in a tube that can be found in the produce department at your local grocery store (yes, even WalMart).
Gourmet Garden Cilantro
I also added a bit of Gourmet Garden's garlic paste to the slow cooker. Then I walked away until it was lunch time.
****Now, if you are making this for dinner, I highly suggest that you use fresh chicken and put it in first thing in the morning without the overnight in the water and dried herbs and spices. I also suggest you put your slow cooker on high. ****
About an hour before we were going to eat, I diced two fresh tomatoes and a thick slice of red onion and added them and some more of my Gourmet Garden Cilantro. I also took a "forked" serving spoon and gently shredded the chicken a little bit. While those flavors are "hanging out" in your slow cooker, start your rice. I strongly recommend Basmati Rice, but Jasmine will work too. The Basmati has a slightly nuttier flavor and a better consistency than plain white rice and will do better at mixing with the chicken. You can also use pasta, but that kinda ruins the whole gluten free vibe and doesn't do as well at soaking up the juices.
Fill a plate with the rice and dump a healthy portion of the chicken from your slow cooker on top.
I will try to take more pictures next time, so that I can edit and update with them. For now, you will just have to make it yourself!! :)  Let me know how this turned out for you and if you have a better suggestion for the name! :)