Monday, April 18, 2011

Challenge Day four/five

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I didn't do the blog yesterday. It was Sunday. On Sundays we run back and forth to the church all day. Get up at 6:30, at church at 8:15 for Praise Team sound check, Sunday School at 9:05, church at 10:15 and we get home right about noon. Then yesterday, it was eat, TRY to take a little nap (the girls, not me!) and then back to the church at 3:00 for children's choir and youth choir practice followed by Bailey and Kylie's Spring Musical with Children's Choir (which was awesome, thanks to our amazing WALK team!!!). When we finally left church at almost 8 p.m., we had to go to the grocery store for a few essentials. Got home right about 9:30 and managed to get everyone in bed asleep by 10:20. Whew!!! Where was MY day of rest?!?!?!
So, because of all this running around for Jesus (every minute of which we love, so please DON'T think I'm complaining) there was no blog yesterday. I DID read, just didn't blog.

So that brings us to today and what got stuck in my noggin today! I don't like it, I'll tell you that. First let me tell you something else. After college I gained some weight. Not a lot but a little. Then after I moved to Tennessee, I gained a little more. Then after I had Bailey, I gained A LOT of weight. Lost that, gained a little, lost that, gained a little, lost that....I think you get the drift. Needless to say, I would like to lose some weight. I mean, hey, lots of us would. Many women in America are overweight and we wish we could lose weight. Weight loss is a billion dollar a year business in this country and even some insurance companies are covering weight loss treatments to help offset potential problems later.

My problem is that I like to eat. I don't want to starve myself. I don't want to give up carbs and cokes and basically everything that tastes good. A friend of mine recently shared with me that their entire family had decided to go vegetarian (except her husband who refused to do so until after one more grill season!) because they learned what happens to our food before we get it. I don't want to know. I mean, hey, let's face it, once you've watched your sweet precious Grandma who you love beyond words in every cell your tender and innocent 9 years walk calmly outside and snatch a chicken out of the coop, lay its head on the stump and whack it off then bring it inside and begin plucking it, well, you kinda don't care where your food comes from, cause ya already know! I don't want to be a vegetarian. I don't mind organic, organic is good. I like the idea of organic eggs, lot less chance of food poisoning, I like the idea of organic non-hormone fed beef and chicken (I do have three little girls) and I love the idea of organic vegetables and such. I don't mind eating healthy foods, just not gonna give up the ones I like. So, not gonna lose weight by any radical dietary changes. Although I am grateful that my children learn songs like, "Eat. Drink. Be Healthy. For your body is a temple where God can be at home..." They are all VERY healthy eaters. Kylie doesn't eat red meat at all and Delaney doesn't eat meat period. My vegetarian Mom-in-law is so proud!! lol

That brings us to working out...AKA "getting in shape." I have always contested that I am in shape. After all, round is a shape. And I had a dr. once refer to me as fluffy, not fat. But that means I would have to work out to get this weight off. Which brings me to vs. 17 which has, to be honest, been haunting me from the first reading..."She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms." I don't wanna work out (can you read the whining?). I wanna sit on the couch and have the weight magically melt off while I watch reruns of Top Chef! My husband goes to the YMCA three times a week and works out for an hour AT MINIMUM. He has lost a lot of weight, he looks amazing and keeps asking me when I'm going with him. I always say "tomorrow" and then tomorrow comes and I don't do it. I do have a workout series that makes me not be able to move everytime I attempt it. Then I give up and don't do it again for 2 weeks and it kicks my tail again. I know somewhere deep down that in order for it to stop hurting so much, I have to keep doing it, but IT HURTS.....

So, today I decide to stop being a wimp. I wanted to lose 20 pounds by Easter. I lost 6. Somehow, I still feel that as an accomplishment. I wanted to lose 30 by vacation. I have 33 days...NOT gonna happen. I wanted to lose 40 by Bill's cousin's wedding...THAT's at the end of July, so I just MIGHT hit half of that. But what I really want is to be someone that my husband can be proud to be next to. That crazy man loves me the way I am no matter what size I am. He still thinks I'm beautiful and constantly reassures me of that. But I want to be his virtuous woman and to do that, I think I need to get off my lazy kick and get busy working out. Verse 27 says that the virtuous woman doesn't eat the bread of idleness. That means I can't use lazy as an excuse not to work out, but it DOESN'T say I can't have bread!!!!

So, I'm off to do my workout.........I'll let you know tomorrow if I can still feel my legs!

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