Sunday, August 28, 2011

Are they all yours?

Okay, so I know my children look like me. I have three little girls with blonde hair and blue eyes. I have always had blonde hair until about two years ago when I went brunette, but they still look like me. I know I have three of them. I know they can be a handful, but really? I know people with way more kids than I have.
So I'm in the grocery store the other night and they are being a little "difficult", well, actually the baby was being difficult and the other two are trying to calm her down. So am I. I picked up a box of fruit snacks and went ahead and opened them (yes, I'm one of "those" moms), gave her a pack. She ate them and asked for another. I obliged. And another, and another. On the fourth pack, Bailey has to stop to tie her shoe. Delaney begins throwing the fruit snacks. Scenario...Mommy with broken toe (that's a WHOLE other blog entry!), baby in buggy throwing fruit snacks, 4 year old in back of buggy yelling at her to stop throwing things and trying to take the fruit snacks away (insert screaming here) and Bailey three feet away on the nearest bench trying to tie her shoes and TAKING. HER. TIME.... I'm ready to GO! I need four more things and we are SO out of that store when someone gives me that "look." Come on, you know what I'm talking about. That stranger with no kids look. Then she says with much sympathy, "Awww. Are they all yours?" REALLY? REALLY? Do I look like an insane moron to you????? Would I really take SOMEONE ELSE'S kids out with my foot broken and them crazy? No, they aren't mine, I'm just a masochist. You know the whole Statue of Liberty thing? "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." Yeah, we're really close. Only my motto is "Give me your tired, your hungry, your screaming toddlers yearning to break free and run rampant through the aisles screaming 'mine! mine! mine!' while spinning things off the racks." Of course they are mine! No one else would take them...Or at least they better never try because I don't care how bad you think my children are when you don't know it's 8 at night and they've been up since 6:30 to catch a bus, went to school all day and been home long enough to change clothes, clean their rooms and eat dinner before they had to leave with Mommy who couldn't do this errand any other time that day. They are still MINE and I love them and will fight for them. So, yeah. They're all mine. Aren't they awesome?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Challenge Day four/five

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I didn't do the blog yesterday. It was Sunday. On Sundays we run back and forth to the church all day. Get up at 6:30, at church at 8:15 for Praise Team sound check, Sunday School at 9:05, church at 10:15 and we get home right about noon. Then yesterday, it was eat, TRY to take a little nap (the girls, not me!) and then back to the church at 3:00 for children's choir and youth choir practice followed by Bailey and Kylie's Spring Musical with Children's Choir (which was awesome, thanks to our amazing WALK team!!!). When we finally left church at almost 8 p.m., we had to go to the grocery store for a few essentials. Got home right about 9:30 and managed to get everyone in bed asleep by 10:20. Whew!!! Where was MY day of rest?!?!?!
So, because of all this running around for Jesus (every minute of which we love, so please DON'T think I'm complaining) there was no blog yesterday. I DID read, just didn't blog.

So that brings us to today and what got stuck in my noggin today! I don't like it, I'll tell you that. First let me tell you something else. After college I gained some weight. Not a lot but a little. Then after I moved to Tennessee, I gained a little more. Then after I had Bailey, I gained A LOT of weight. Lost that, gained a little, lost that, gained a little, lost that....I think you get the drift. Needless to say, I would like to lose some weight. I mean, hey, lots of us would. Many women in America are overweight and we wish we could lose weight. Weight loss is a billion dollar a year business in this country and even some insurance companies are covering weight loss treatments to help offset potential problems later.

My problem is that I like to eat. I don't want to starve myself. I don't want to give up carbs and cokes and basically everything that tastes good. A friend of mine recently shared with me that their entire family had decided to go vegetarian (except her husband who refused to do so until after one more grill season!) because they learned what happens to our food before we get it. I don't want to know. I mean, hey, let's face it, once you've watched your sweet precious Grandma who you love beyond words in every cell your tender and innocent 9 years walk calmly outside and snatch a chicken out of the coop, lay its head on the stump and whack it off then bring it inside and begin plucking it, well, you kinda don't care where your food comes from, cause ya already know! I don't want to be a vegetarian. I don't mind organic, organic is good. I like the idea of organic eggs, lot less chance of food poisoning, I like the idea of organic non-hormone fed beef and chicken (I do have three little girls) and I love the idea of organic vegetables and such. I don't mind eating healthy foods, just not gonna give up the ones I like. So, not gonna lose weight by any radical dietary changes. Although I am grateful that my children learn songs like, "Eat. Drink. Be Healthy. For your body is a temple where God can be at home..." They are all VERY healthy eaters. Kylie doesn't eat red meat at all and Delaney doesn't eat meat period. My vegetarian Mom-in-law is so proud!! lol

That brings us to working out...AKA "getting in shape." I have always contested that I am in shape. After all, round is a shape. And I had a dr. once refer to me as fluffy, not fat. But that means I would have to work out to get this weight off. Which brings me to vs. 17 which has, to be honest, been haunting me from the first reading..."She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms." I don't wanna work out (can you read the whining?). I wanna sit on the couch and have the weight magically melt off while I watch reruns of Top Chef! My husband goes to the YMCA three times a week and works out for an hour AT MINIMUM. He has lost a lot of weight, he looks amazing and keeps asking me when I'm going with him. I always say "tomorrow" and then tomorrow comes and I don't do it. I do have a workout series that makes me not be able to move everytime I attempt it. Then I give up and don't do it again for 2 weeks and it kicks my tail again. I know somewhere deep down that in order for it to stop hurting so much, I have to keep doing it, but IT HURTS.....

So, today I decide to stop being a wimp. I wanted to lose 20 pounds by Easter. I lost 6. Somehow, I still feel that as an accomplishment. I wanted to lose 30 by vacation. I have 33 days...NOT gonna happen. I wanted to lose 40 by Bill's cousin's wedding...THAT's at the end of July, so I just MIGHT hit half of that. But what I really want is to be someone that my husband can be proud to be next to. That crazy man loves me the way I am no matter what size I am. He still thinks I'm beautiful and constantly reassures me of that. But I want to be his virtuous woman and to do that, I think I need to get off my lazy kick and get busy working out. Verse 27 says that the virtuous woman doesn't eat the bread of idleness. That means I can't use lazy as an excuse not to work out, but it DOESN'T say I can't have bread!!!!

So, I'm off to do my workout.........I'll let you know tomorrow if I can still feel my legs!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Challenge day three

I bet you thought I was going to miss today. Oh wait, no one is reading this but me. That's okay. Sometimes the doing of a thing is more important than the noticing.

So today's deal is going to be considerably shorter than before because my moment comes from what I consider to be a complete and utter failure to adhere to what I learned yesterday. So here I was working out all that "law of kindness" in my tongue and "wisdom" from my mouth when suddenly I was faced with an uber challenge in my daily life. It rained yesterday. a lot...a whole much so that our levee was breached and water came pouring downhill, around our retaining wall, across the patio guessed it, into the family room. Now, mind you, our family room is a construction zone that we have completely gutted and are remodeling from scratch due to the fact that the previous owner of our home had neither a levee nor the sense to replace the septic system when the tank cracked. (Can you say ewww?) Anyway, the water began to come in. Our 4 yr old noticed it and immediately told Daddy who got out the shop vac and began sucking up water. Guess what I did? I yelled. Technically, my husband yelled at me first and to be fair it originally started as yelling TO me, but turned into yelling at me. At which point, I yelled at my children. Thereafter, as I was doing what I referred to as "mopping the deck on the Titanic" I looked up from my turn on the shop vac to see my 21 month old standing in a puddle of water beside me. I screamed. Oh yeah, you read that right. I screamed. A deep primal, "I've had enough" scream. Of course, she screamed back at me, only in fear and shock rather than desperation and frustration. Then I yelled again, only this time for help. My sweet oldest daughter came down in her rain boots, got the baby, took her upstairs, took off her yucky socks and pants, changed her diaper and locked her in their room with them.
As for the family room.... well to be honest, there was really nothing in this room but new sheetrock and the water was contained within less than an hour and my amazing husband had the floor nearly dry by bedtime, but we had some serious apologizing to do. We both hugged each other, apologized for yelling (at least no bad words were exchanged! lol) and promised to try to do better.
And maybe THAT's today's lesson. We fail. We mess up. We are human. We get it wrong. But being virtuous is about realizing that what we have done is wrong and making it right, not just with the person we wronged, but with God.
So, with that, I'm going to go poor out some kind words on my hard working husband who in the midst of his responsibilities today, helped me clean up the kitchen while I was shuttling children to and from practice and running errands for the church. That's teamwork!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Challenge Day Two

So I got up this morning and the internet is down. I thought, well there goes my blog. And I started my day. I got about 10 minutes into my sewing when a small voice reminded me that my internet may indeed be down, but my Bible is not and neither is my software. So, I got out my bible, read Proverbs 31 and sat down at my computer. Later today, after they fix my internet (Lord willing) I will copy this and paste it into my blog. However, I am not going to let a wonky internet connection keep me from meeting this challenge!
I got a comment yesterday that this is all about balance and I agree. But balancing what? We want to be a good wife and a good mommy, we want to be good businesswomen, good teachers, good doctors, good friends. What about focusing more on being godly women than good women? Some of you are going to automatically say, “Well, duh, Loretta. That goes without saying.” But does it? Should it? Should it be automatically assumed that just because we want to be good that means we want to be godly? I think the answer is no. I think that too often we get wrapped up in being “good” and forget to be godly. Being good means getting things done, doing our jobs well, being a good friend or neighbor, it means being good at the things we choose to do. Being godly means being good at the things we must do. It means tempering our words with kindness. “She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.” (vs 26).  This hits me very hard. For me, opening my mouth with wisdom isn’t always an easy task. And as for my tongue being the law of kindness…well, let’s just say that’s something I need to work on.
As women we like to talk. We like to tell stories. We like to keep each other updated on the latest happenings at home and with family. How often do we cross the line of “keeping the lines of communication open” with straight out and out gossip? Are we opening our mouths with wisdom? Is this what the passage means? Well I looked up the word wisdom in my handy dandy Strong’s. It means…wait for it…wisdom! Yep, that’s it. So then I started thinking, well what’s the opposite of wisdom and I came up with foolishness. Is our conversation filled with foolishness? I don’t mean silliness, I mean foolishness, as in Proverbs 24:9, “the thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.” I don’t know about you but that seems pretty clear to me. So when she opens her mouth with wisdom, that means she opens her mouth without foolishness, which to me concludes that she opens her mouth without sinning. Can we say the same? When we call the girls? When we speak to our children? When we speak to our husbands? When we speak to our coworkers? When we speak to our bosses? When we are on Facebook and Twitter and MySpace, are we speaking wisely? I recently had a discussion with some friends about using abbreviations for cuss words on facebook. That is not speaking wisely. My husband and I recently had a conversation about cleaning up our language around the house. Opening my mouth with wisdom means that my children do not learn words that they shouldn’t. Don’t get me wrong, the words we use aren’t actually unacceptable in society or even in church, but they are inappropriate for a small child. I would rather Kylie not know the word “dangit” even if it’s not “bad.”
What about the law of kindness in our tongues? Do we follow that? How do we discipline our children? Is it with love or frustration? I’ll be honest, mine is more often frustration. “I’ve already told you three times!” “Get in your room!” “Go away and find something else to do!” And before you condemn me, think about the last time you spoke to your spouse, your child, your best friend, your boyfriend in frustration. We all do it. We all expect it. But should we?
Maybe that’s what being virtuous is about today. Maybe today, being virtuous is about opening my mouth in wisdom and having the law of kindness in my tongue. What about you? What are you going to do today?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Virtuous Woman Challenge

So, I know that Easter is only a few days away and many people are focusing on that, but for whatever reason, God has laid something else on my heart as well and I have a challenge for my readers.
God has challenged me to take a few moments from my busy day every day for the next 25 days (between now and Mother's Day) and read Proverbs 31. Now for those of you who know me, you may find that a little amusing because I am of the firm opinion that June Cleaver was a fairy tale and that there is no such thing as a clean house all the time when you have three children, a husband who works two jobs and your own in home business. I will clean the house when it's empty. Right now, I am enjoying my children, my husband and my business. I also have a hard time taking time away from those things for anything else. I haven't written a blog since before Christmas. I have been pretty lax on Facebook and don't even think about emailing me because I will either not ever read it or I will delete it with the other 871 unread messages that seem to accumulate on there in the blink of an eye. Even now as I am typing there is a very small, very angry person attempting to stab me in the leg with a pink fairy wand because I won't let her type on the computer. Such is the life of a Mommy!!!
Anyway, today I read my chapter and of course, got stuck on verse 13. "She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands." Today I have an Easter dress to finish. Tonight I have another Easter dress to finish. My day is consumed with trying to do these tasks that I have set for myself and I wonder, "will I get everything done?" "Will my customers be happy?" "Will they tell their friends and place more orders so I can be even busier and will never again allow my dining room table to see the light of day or another meal?" Of course, all these questions are very self centered. As I read I thought, "Oh, that's me! I'm a virtuous woman because I sew!" I also get up while it's still dark to prepare my children for school and my husband for his busy day. I also trek myself to Sam's and WalMart on a regular basis. I know my merchandise is good and I stay up really late. BUT do these things make me virtuous? What makes a woman virtuous? I don't think it is these things. I think these things are my daily responsibilities as a wife and mother but they don't make me virtuous. Through the next 25 days I will be searching for what it means to be virtuous, what is a virtuous woman, is it possible to be a virtuous woman in this modern day and age, do you have to stay home to be this paragon of virtuosity? Or maybe is the KEY to being a virtuous woman not to be the right "wife" or "mommy" but to be the right "DAUGHTER"? Hmmmmm..........

I would like to challenge each of my readers and followers, take this challenge with me. Spend a few moments each day reading Proverbs 31, read what I have learned and comment/share what you have learned yourself. Who knows? God could use us to start a great awakening in women everywhere to commit our hearts and selves to His purpose and His plan.
Are you up for the challenge?

I'll make it even easier.......

The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him. What, my son? and what, the son of my womb? and what, the son of my vows? Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings. It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink: Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted. Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more. Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. She seeketh wookk, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of the snow for household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land. She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. Strength and honor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

There, now you have no excuse NOT to read it!! Maybe I'll post some paraphrases too.

TAKE THE CHALLENGE WITH ME!!!! And don't skip this because you are unmarried or divorced. Being a virtuous woman doesn't always mean "wife" or "mother", it's just what I am. God made each of us different and put us in different circumstances, but we are all daughters of the King! Let's be the daughters He intends us to be!