Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall Fun Begins

We just rolled in from our first official fall activity! Nothing says fall like a cook out with hot dogs, chili, chips, apple cider and of course, a bonfire complete with s'mores and a hay ride! We had a great time. I was entertained on the hay ride by a very intelligent conversation with the sic-year-old son of a friend of mine. When I mentioned that I enjoyed talking to him as I had never had that opportunity, he answered as only a matter-of-fact six-year-old can, "Well, we're talkin' now." Made me smile!
I also enjoyed playing with the girls and watching Delaney experience all these things for the first time!
On the way home, we decided to sing a little bit so Kylie sang her version of Zacheus followed by "the round and around song" also known as "Only a Boy Named David." At the end of the song, after the giant came tumbling down, I thought this would be a great time to see if she had learned anything from our talks about David and Goliath. So I asked her, "Kylie, what happened to the giant when the stone hit him?"
"It knocked him flat!" she yelled.
"That's right," I said. "Then what did David do?"
"Wella (her version of the word 'well'), he took his sawwed ('sword') and CUT OFF HIS HEAD!" Again, she was very loud and very excited.
"Very good," I said. "Then what did he do?"
There was just the slightest of pauses before she said very matter of factly, "He ate him."
After I caught my breath from laughing I explained that he did not eat Goliath but instead cut off Goliath's head with Goliath's own sword and then carted it on a pike back to the Israelite camp so they would all be reminded that their God was bigger than the Philistines.
"Oh," she said. "And then they ate him?"
I'm still not sure where she got this idea but it was a long conversation of why it wasn't good to eat other people...even if they are already dead. She and her older sister couldn't get why it was okay for animals to eat each other but not people. I think they get it now...I hope...

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