Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Not tonight, honey. The cat has the hiccups.

When I told my mother I was going to wade into this issue of marital intimacy with Dannah and Dr. Juli, she heartily approved, but she wondered how I was going to manage.  See, "marital intimacy”, is something that many Christian women have some difficulty discussing.  A friend recently posted on my Facebook page that she was a little uneasy about the current ministry in which I am involved, but she was going to do her best to hang with me and see what God has to teach her. To put a fine point on it, the topic of sex was something she is very shy about. Many people are.

But recently, I’ve been hearing things from other Christian wives that I never dreamed!  Many of my friends have consented to interviews on this subject and have been telling me of their own apprehension with their husbands in the bedroom.

First, let’s take the biblical perspective.  Genesis 1:27, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."  We know that God created us in his own image, that we were both, male and female, created in that image.  That has to be good, right?  Right!  See Geneses 1:31, "And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.”  So we know that our being created in his image and likeness is not just good, but very good.  We also know that we should praise him for this.  See Psalm 139:14, "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."  So we know that we are made in the marvelous and wonderful image of God.  We also see that we know this within our souls.  But, did he create us for each other?

Well, let's take a look a little further at Genesis 2:24-25, "Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.  And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."  So we were created for each other and we were created to be together in an intimate way.  How intimate is okay? 

Let's look at Proverbs 5:18-19, "Let thy fountain be blessed; and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.  Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love." 

Look also at I Corinthians 7:3-6, "Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence; and likewise also the wife unto the husband.  The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband; and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.  Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.  But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment."  Go further to Proverbs 7:13-18,  "So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face said unto him, I have peace offerings with me; this day have I prayed my vows.  Therefore came I forth to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face, and I have found thee.  I have decked my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.  Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves."

Then take the entire book of Song of Solomon, which I will not quote for you, but urge you to read.  Here is a snippet from that book:  "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth; for thy love is better than wine...My beloved is mine, and I am his; he feedeth among the lilies...It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth; I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mothers house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me...His mouth is most sweet; yea, he is altogether lovely.  This is my beloved and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem."

Okay, many of you are right now wondering, "Where in the world did those last two passages come from?"

We all know that Song of Solomon is in the Bible, but how often have we read it?  One of the primary complaints I hear from the women I’ve talked to is the different ways in which men and women get "in the mood."  For me and most of my friends, getting "in the mood" is a cerebral, not a physical process.  And it doesn’t happen instantly; it takes time.  According to my husband, it’s completely different for men.  He says all a wife needs to do to entice her husband is to walk past him in the hallway.  That’s it!  He says that when it comes to this, most men are fairly simple.  Most women, however, are not. It is this reason that there is such a trend in the world of targeting erotica and soft porn in the form of "romance" novels at women. The world is attempting to feed our need for cerebral stimulation, but we do not have to let it. Someone recently likened this type of cerebral stimulation to eating a steady diet of junk food. Yes, it will satisfy you temporarily, but eventually you will become malnourished and filled with decay and disease. That is NOT God's plan for our marriages.

This need for cerebral stimulus is why so many women (even Christian women) are falling prey to erotica and what it "promises." I am reminded of the following quote from Pulling Back the Shades, "Erotica strategically and masterfully pulls you in by exploiting what your heart secretly longs for. Your longing is legitimate. We just believe there are ways to get what you are looking for without compromising God's standards."

That’s why I included Song of Solomon and Proverbs 7.  Song of Solomon can be a very interesting Bible study for you and your husband.  It gives us women the cerebral stimulus we enjoy.  It also gives us another kind of intimacy with our husbands. I personally am planning on getting together with a few of my sister chicks to do the Passion Pursuit study from Authentic Intimacy. I cannot wait to see how it is going to change my relationship with my own husband. I'm ready to be a Smokin' Hot Mama!

Check out the study here:

I once knew a couple who were anticipating their wedding date.  They had committed to each other and to God to wait until marriage to enjoy sexual intimacy.  For one month prior to their wedding date, they studied Song of Solomon in depth.  After their honeymoon, they claimed that their study of Solomon’s Song made them less nervous and inhibited on their wedding night than they had been before their study.  They had decreased the jitters over their wedding night intimacy by increasing their spiritual intimacy prior to the "Big Event."

So, now you understand the reference to Song of Solomon, but you’re still way out there on Proverbs 7.  Do not worry!  I would never suggest you prostitute yourself!  But, what kind of partner are you to your husband in sexual matters?  How often do you go out of your way to fulfill his desires?

Notice how the woman in Proverbs enticed her "mark."  Verse 13 tells us how she grabbed him and kissed him; how she was without shame.  She was impudent and sassy.  She was bold.  Move on to verses 16-18:  AI have covered my bed with colored sheets form Egypt.  I have made my bed smell sweet with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.  Come, let’s make love until morning.  Let’s enjoy each other’s love."  NCV  Now, first know that I do understand the context.  I know that this is a warning to men not to be enticed by the harlot on the corner.  But would he even be interested if he had a woman at home who had learned to entice him as well?  Believe it or not, as inhibited as you may think you are, if you begin a journey to entice your husband with stolen kisses and a boudoir instead of a plain old bedroom, your cerebral needs will also be met.

In my interviews with other women, many of them Pastor’s wives, I have learned the following things.  I hope some of them can help you.

"But things have happened and/or I’ve done things."  Let go of sin and shame!  This is probably the hardest, so I am addressing it first.  Many good Christian ladies have been in situations where sin and/or shame can inhibit their sexual intimacy with their husbands.

One wife I spoke to told me that after a lifetime of sexual purity, she and her then fiancĂ© gave in to temptation.  Although they both recommitted themselves to Christ and to a Christ-like courting relationship, on their wedding night she felt a tremendous sense of loss.  For years after, the guilt and shame of not waiting haunted her intimate relations with her husband.  It came to a head during a blue ribbon prize fight with her husband over her lack of interest in him.  He had become the object of her self-imposed guilt.  They sought Christian counseling and have since overcome this.  Her advice was John 1:29b, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world."  When the Lamb of God took her sins, she had no right or reason to hang on to the guilt from them. 

In much the same way, if you suffer from the guilt or shame of something that was done to you, I strongly urge you to talk to your husband and seek counseling from a qualified Christian counselor.  There’s nothing wrong with seeking advice from another Christian and most churches have someone they can recommend.  The important thing is to release your guilt and shame to God and let Him heal you from the inside.

"Sex is only for making babies."  Yikes!  Many of us were taught these kinds of things growing up, and while in some cases it is a proven tact for scaring little girls into purity, it isn’t true.  Look again at Genesis 1:31a, "God looked at everything he had made and it was VERY GOOD."  NCV (emphasis mine)

Many women and even some men are amazed to actually come to the realization that God designed our bodies to pleasure each other!  If sex were only for making babies, why would God have placed more nerve endings in the bundles of a woman’s pleasure zone than in any other part of the human anatomy?  If God had not intended intimacy between married couples to be enjoyed, he wouldn’t have made us this way!  Look again at Psalm 139:14, "I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way.  What you have done is wonderful.  I know this very well."  NCV

Do we know?  Do we really understand that the creator himself has debunked the myth that sex is only for making babies?  He has, simply because we are fearfully and wonderfully made!

"Sexual experimentation is immodest and immoral."  Oh, dear!  Where have we all heard some version of that?  I once went to a class taught by a Pastor’s wife who was about ten years older than my own mother.  Imagine my shock when she admonished each lady to be more adventurous in the bedroom!  Something she said that day stuck with me.  Here was an older woman who had been in the ministry most of her life.  Her advice?  In the bedroom, anything goes as long as there is no other person involved besides you and your spouse.  She further explained that sexual purity in the marriage bed was two people joined in mutual respect and admiration in the sight of God with no other person present; that includes magazines, videos and romance novels (sorry, ladies). Note those key words "admiration" and "respect." Keep in mind that we need to temper our roles in the marriage boudoir with respect to each other's needs and desires while maintaining our own self respect. Sexual experimentation isn't immodest or immoral, but I personally believe it has it's limits in pleasing both parties with respect. To me, that leaves out bondage and pain, but leaves a wide door open to a lot of mutual enjoyment.

For this, we look again at Genesis 2:24-25, "So a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one body.  The man and his wife were naked, but they were not ashamed."  NCV

Notice how the two become one?  This suggests to me that they are to be close, as intimate as can be, but just the two.  Notice, however, how verse 25 says, "they were naked, but they were not ashamed."  Although in some ways, this goes back to my first point on guilt and shame, it also supports that it’s okay to be naked with your spouse!  It’s okay to leave the lights on!  If you still don’t believe me, I leave you to do an inductive study of the word pictures in Song of Solomon.  It doesn’t get any more explicit than that!

"Sex is not a weapon, a tool or a payment." This is the truth as told to me by my own mother!  I'll never forget the day she sat me down and laid this out!  It was actually rather amusing.  She was giving me a permanent and updating me on some of the local news when I asked a question that led to talk of some mutual friends who were newly married and had given thought to starting a family.  She began relaying a funny story about these people and inadvertently came to a situation where the wife had publicly threatened not to have sex with the husband if she did not get a certain thing she wanted.

Mom stopped immediately and with a curler and comb in one hand and a strand of hair half wrapped in wave paper firmly gripped in the other, she leaned into my face and said, AI better never hear of you pulling a stunt like that on your husband!  Do you hear me?  Sex is not a weapon!  It is not a tool to get what you want, and it’s not a payment for services rendered.  Got it?"

I was quick to agree before she liberated the section of hair she had gripped in her right hand from my now stinging head!  But she was right!  Look again at I Corinthians 7:3-6: "The husband should give his wife all that he owes her as his wife.  And the wife should give her husband all that she owes him as her husband.  The wife does not have full rights over her own body; her husband shares them.  And the husband does not have full rights over his own body; his wife shares them.  Do not refuse to give your bodies to each other, unless you both agree to stay away from sexual relation for s time so you can give your time to prayer.  Then come together again so Satan cannot tempt you because of a lack of self-control.  I say this to give you permission to stay away from sexual relations for a time.  It is not a command to do so." 

I'd say the scripture is pretty plain on that one.  I'd also say that, as usual, Mom was right and since you don’t have my mom to tell you these things, I am doing it for her.   It’s important that we understand what God made us for.  It is also important to understand that God made things good for a husband and wife and that He designed our bodies for each other.

To put it all in a nutshell, marital intimacy and sex within the confines of marriage is a God-ordained act that was designed to be enjoyed by both marriage partners.  I'll leave you with a final bit of advice, told to me by a friend as advice to new brides, but useful to us all.  When you enter the bedroom with your husband, throw your entire self and all the passion you can imagine into that first kiss.  Enjoy it thoroughly and completely, giving as well as receiving.  The rest will fall into place as God has designed it.

Resources to consider:

Friday, February 7, 2014

Casting Stones at Shades of Grey

There's a story in the Bible about a woman caught in adultery who is about to be stoned. As Jesus intervenes, He tells the people, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." As I have been recently accused of casting stones at Shades of Grey, let me clarify something. I am NOT without sin. I am not without wrong doing and things of the flesh HAVE had footholds in my life. It is because of these things that my heart is so burdened for women's ministry.

I used to love to read romance novels in general. I thought it would be okay because I skipped the "racy" parts anyway. There have been books on my Kindle that I would probably have rathered people didn't know about. We all come short. Scripture even says so. So, I am NOT casting stones at anyone who has read SoG.

A friend told me the other day, "I read the books. I know now I shouldn't have, but I can't change that." My response was, "I don't get to judge what you have done in the past. That's not my job. I am glad, however, that you know now that you would have been better off if you hadn't read them."

Another comment came to me indirectly that I have no right to speak out against these books because I do not know what it is like to be caught up in this type of addiction. But here's the thing. We have ALL been caught up in sin at some time. There isn't one single one of us that is without sin, otherwise we wouldn't have needed the blood atonement of the cross. I don't have the right to cast stones at ANYONE for the things they have done.

Yes, my testimony is one of faithfulness. I have been a Christ follower from a very young age and have walked with Him most of my entire life. That doesn't mean there haven't been sin that I have struggled with. That doesn't mean that there haven't been things that I have done that I wish I didn't.

In the interest of complete transparency, I like to gossip. I know I shouldn't and I confess it constantly. I try to temper my words the way God wants them to be. I try to "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of my mouth" but sometimes I falter. That is sin. It's my sin. It is just as bad as any other sin as there is no scale of sin. I am ashamed of my sin and every time I ask God to forgive me He does but I know He shakes His head in sadness every time I do it again. Believe me, I think it's much harder to stop gossiping than to stop reading a certain genre of books. But that's because gossip is my struggle. We all have them. Please do not think less of me because of my sin and I will not think less of you for yours. The only difference between me and a non-believer is that my sins are redeemed and I know what kind of life I am supposed to live. Y'all, I falter DAILY. Giving up an attachment to "mommy porn" or erotica is no different than my attachment to gossip. Except that my sin is more socially acceptable, which makes it even HARDER to stop.

You have no idea how hard it was for me to write the paragraph above. I hope someone somewhere is encouraged by it because I am honestly embarrassed to have written it. The point is, I do NOT have the right to cast stones. HOWEVER, there is more to the story.

When the woman looked up and Jesus asked where her accusers had all gone (they had all slinked-slunk?- away at this point), she told him she had none. THEN He looked at her and said, "Go, and sin no more."

Go, and sin no more. See, there's the rub. We as women have a bad habit of pointing fingers and making accusations. We look at others and think, "Well, their sin is worse than mine, so I'm ok." We look at ourselves and think, "I'm okay. It's just a little conversation or book or story or movie, etc." We look around and think, "Well, SHE has no right to throw stones at me. I know what she does." Ladies, that's the enemy wrapping us in the complacency of our sin so that we cannot even see it anymore. There is more to the story. "Go, and sin no more."

So, no, I don't have the right to cast stones at anyone who has read or is reading Shades of Grey. I have my own sin to worry about. I am just grateful that putting my faith in a God who can raise the dead means having faith in the forgiveness that is readily available. I'll pray for you to see God gain victory over your sin if you will pray for me to see God have victory over mine.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pulling Back the Shades Launch

I am so honored to have been chosen to be a part of the launch team for the new book co-authored by Dr. Juli Slattery and Dannah Gresh entitled, Pulling Back the Shades.

Can you be Sexual and Spiritual? I think so! I also think you can do both without dishonoring the covenant God created for your marriage.

Maybe you have read the 50 Shades of Grey series and don't think it's a big deal.

Maybe you haven't read it and wonder what it is all about.

Maybe you have read it and don't think people like me (who haven't read it) have any right to speak against it. (I'm not the only one. See Dannah's reasoning here:

Let me begin by telling you why I personally have decided not to read the 50 Shades books.

First, as a writer myself, I had heard from numerous sources that the books were poorly written and filled with grammatical and typographical errors. That alone is enough to make the grammar nazi that lives within me break out in hives!

Second, I understood from the beginning what the books were going to be about. You don't need to read a book classified as erotica to know that it is, in fact, erotica. However, one of the comments I have heard the most is that if I do not read the books, how am I to speak intelligently about them. Here is my short answer: these books aren't a straight stick. Period. The end. Enough said.

Now you are scratching your head thinking, "What the heck does that mean?"
I'll tell you what it means. I enjoy shooting pool with my husband. I know what a straight stick looks like. The reason I know what a straight stick looks like is because I have studied the straight stick. You can't shoot properly with a warped stick. I know what my straight stick is because I have held my straight stick. I have shot with it. I have rolled it on the table. I have cared for it. I know the weight and feel and solidity of it in my hand. The same goes with scripture. The Bible is my straight stick. It tells me how to live and what God expects from me.

What is that?
To live justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly with my God. (Micah 6:8)
To remember, whatever things are pure and lovely and of good report to think on THOSE things. (Phil 4:8)
To constantly ask God to create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10)

These verses are my straight stick. These are the places where God tells me what should be on my mind and in my heart. These are the verses that are me rolling my spiritual stick on the table of life and being sure that it is straight.

Here's where it gets interesting. See I don't have to "know" a warped stick to know a warped stick. I don't have to hold a warped stick. I don't have to roll it on the table of my life. I don't have to handle it and play with it to know it is warped. All I need to know is the straight stick. See, if I have studied that straight stick and know the weight and feel of it in my hand, if I have only played with that straight stick, I don't need to study the warped one. One look at it and I will instantly know that it is not straight.

That is what 50 Shades represents to me. I have spent my time and my heart learning what God wants from me. I have spent time submitting to the Holy Spirit so that I immediately feel the gently urging to do or not do something. To me, 50 Shades of Grey immediately presented itself as a warped stick. I knew without a doubt that it was not a straight stick and I knew that I could not play with it.

Someone recently told me that women in this country can read whatever they want to read. Yes, you CAN. But the real question is, SHOULD you? Is reading that book and seeing movies like Magic Mike going to bring you closer to God? Someone else said they felt more intimate with their husband after reading it. I'm not sure I buy that because I still wonder if it was HER husband she was feeling intimate with or the characters in the books. And even more important, did she feel closer to God for reading it? That's my straight stick. If it doesn't bring me closer to God, if I am embarrassed to be found reading it, if I don't want anyone to know it is on my Netflix account, it isn't a straight stick.

This is why I am so excited about this new book, y'all!! I can't wait to read Dannah's and Juli's perspective, but more importantly, I am thrilled that this book is going to address what I feel is the deep underlying true issue of erotica...women crave physical intimacy. That is the way God made us!!! But often, in the church, it is a taboo subject that is met with hushed words and sideways glances. THAT is where we are in need of breaking free! Sex with your husband is a godly thing!! We need desperately to remember and understand that but to approach it from the reality of how God designed it, not how man has perverted it.

By the way, Dr. Julie Slattery will be giving a talk on the subject of Holy Sexuality live tomorrow at 2:15 CT. Please join in and see what she has to say.

You can also read the first chapter of the book here: