Sunday, August 28, 2011

Are they all yours?

Okay, so I know my children look like me. I have three little girls with blonde hair and blue eyes. I have always had blonde hair until about two years ago when I went brunette, but they still look like me. I know I have three of them. I know they can be a handful, but really? I know people with way more kids than I have.
So I'm in the grocery store the other night and they are being a little "difficult", well, actually the baby was being difficult and the other two are trying to calm her down. So am I. I picked up a box of fruit snacks and went ahead and opened them (yes, I'm one of "those" moms), gave her a pack. She ate them and asked for another. I obliged. And another, and another. On the fourth pack, Bailey has to stop to tie her shoe. Delaney begins throwing the fruit snacks. Scenario...Mommy with broken toe (that's a WHOLE other blog entry!), baby in buggy throwing fruit snacks, 4 year old in back of buggy yelling at her to stop throwing things and trying to take the fruit snacks away (insert screaming here) and Bailey three feet away on the nearest bench trying to tie her shoes and TAKING. HER. TIME.... I'm ready to GO! I need four more things and we are SO out of that store when someone gives me that "look." Come on, you know what I'm talking about. That stranger with no kids look. Then she says with much sympathy, "Awww. Are they all yours?" REALLY? REALLY? Do I look like an insane moron to you????? Would I really take SOMEONE ELSE'S kids out with my foot broken and them crazy? No, they aren't mine, I'm just a masochist. You know the whole Statue of Liberty thing? "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." Yeah, we're really close. Only my motto is "Give me your tired, your hungry, your screaming toddlers yearning to break free and run rampant through the aisles screaming 'mine! mine! mine!' while spinning things off the racks." Of course they are mine! No one else would take them...Or at least they better never try because I don't care how bad you think my children are when you don't know it's 8 at night and they've been up since 6:30 to catch a bus, went to school all day and been home long enough to change clothes, clean their rooms and eat dinner before they had to leave with Mommy who couldn't do this errand any other time that day. They are still MINE and I love them and will fight for them. So, yeah. They're all mine. Aren't they awesome?